Between senility and youth. On two female tragic figures in the work Bevete cacao Van Houten by Ornela Vorpsi

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Karol Karp


Between senility and youth. On two female tragic figures in the work Bevete cacao Van Houten by Ornela Vorpsi

The article aims to analyze two female characters in the Italian migrant writer Ornela Vorpsi entitled Bevete cacao Van Houten (2005). The argument has been divided in three main parts. The first one discusses the main aspects of the female presence in the migrant discourse in the literary and socio‑psychological perspectives. The remaining parts focus on the characters of Moma and Lolly as they show their behavior on different existential levels. Their different ages determine the differences in their actions and desires. Moma is elderly, Lolly is very young. The outlined typology allows Vorpsi to emphasize how trag‑ ic are their lives. The analysis makes references to the works of Georges Bataille, Beata Bugajska, Micaela De Rubertis, Elisabeth Grosz, Waldemar Irek, Kim Hewitt, Michela Marzano, Martha Nussbaum and Katarzyna Przyłuska‑Urbanowicz.

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