Prof. Galina Nefagina

Founder and editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Polylogue. Neophilological Studies.

Pomeranian University in Slupsk, Poland


ORCID: 0000-0003-4073-2874



Full Professor: Belarusian State University 2001

Habilitation (Literary Studies), Belarusian State University, 1998

PhD (Literary Studies), Moscow State University, 1980

MA (Russian Literature), Belarusian State University 1975


Research interests:

  • poetics of contemporary Russian literature
  • literature of Russian and East Slavic emigration
  • methodology of literary research



  • Semantyka i poetyka prozy rosyjskiej XX wieku [Semantics and poetics of 20th century Russian prose], BW/2/9015832/06, Pomeranian University in Slupsk, Poland.
  • Konceptualne modele świata w literaturze rosyjskiej XIX-XX wieku [Conceptual models of the world in Russian literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries], BW/2/9015832/08, Pomeranian University in Slupsk, Poland.
  • Filozofia i poetyka literatury rosyjskiej XIX-XX wieku [Philosophy and poetics of Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries], BW/2/9015832/09-14, Pomeranian University in Slupsk, Poland.
  • Filozofia, poetyka, recepcja rosyjskiej literatury XX-XXI wieku [Philosophy, poetics, reception of Russian literature of the 20th and 21st centuries], BW/2/9015832/, Pomeranian University in Slupsk, Poland.
  • Filozofia, poetyka, recepcja literatury rosyjskiej w metropolii i na emigracji [Philosophy, poetics, reception of Russian literature in the metropolis and abroad], BW/7-2-7, Pomeranian University in Slupsk, Poland.


Selected Publications:

Prof. Galina Nefagina is the author of fourteen monographs and textbooks and over three hundred articles in the field of literary studies.



Authored books

Nefagina, G. (2023). „Gdzieś na skraju zapomnienia”: Mało znane i nieznane imiona pisarek drugiej fali emigracji. [“Somewhere on the verge of oblivion:” Little-known and unknown names of women writers of the second wave of emigration]. Słupsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej.

Nefagina, G. (2017). Параллели и пересечения. Русская литература в пространстве и времени. [Parallels and intersections. Russian literature in space and time]. Мinsk.

Nefagina, G. (2008). Штрихи и пунктиры русской литературы ХХ века.[Strokes and dashes of twentieth-century Russian literature]. Minsk.

Nefagina, G. (2006). Искусство борьбы с ложью. Жизнь и творчество Юрия Дружникова [The art of fighting lies. The life and work of Yuri Druzhnikov]. Minsk.

Nefagina, G. (2006). Крылатые слова из произведений русской литературы. Minsk.

Nefagina, G. (2005). Русская проза конца ХХ века. [Russian prose of the late twentieth century]. Minsk 2003, second edition 2005.

Nefagina, G. (1999). Динамика стилевых течений в русской прозе 1980—90-х годов. [The dynamics of stylistic trends in Russian prose in the 1980s and 1990s]. Minsk.

Nefagina, G. (1998). Русская проза второй половины 80-х – начала 90-х годов ХХ века. [Russian prose from the second half of the 1980s and early 1990s]. Minsk.


Edited Books

Nefagina, G., Smoczyk-Jackowiak, I. (2020). Wschód-Zachód Przestrzeń wzajemnego przenikania się kultur. Słupsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej.

Nefagina, G. (2012). Powrócić do Rosji wierszami i prozą. Słupsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej.


Selected journal articles:

Nefagina, G. (2022). “Томительный яд” отдаленных событий в поэзии Михаила Залесского”. ["The lingering poison" of distant events in the poetry of Mikhail Zalessky"]. Polilog. Studia Neofilologiczne (12). 113-124.

Nefagina, G. (2020). “Литературно-критические взгляды Н. Ульянова”. [Literary-critical views of N. Ulyanov]. Вісник.  Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology, nr 2  [SCOPUS]. 10-17.

Nefagina, G. (2020). “Дневник мизантропа? Жертвы? Конъюнктурщика? Социо-психологический аспект образа автора в Дневнике Юрия Нагибина.” [The Diary of a misanthrope? Victims? An opportunist? Socio-psychological aspect of the author’s image in Yuri Nagibin’s Diary]. Polilog. Studia Neofilologiczne (10). 96-105.

Nefagina, G. (2019). “Изобличить наш страшный век»: поэтический эпос Эллы Бобровой”. [“Expose our terrible age": the poetic epic by Ella Bobrova]. Вісник.  Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology, 168–177.

Nefagina, G. (2019). “Польские экранизации русского романа (визуальные интерпретации романов
Ф.М. Достоевского Идиот и М.А. Булгакова Мастер и Маргарита”. [Polish film adaptations of a Russian novel (visual interpretations of novels: F.M. Dostoevsky’s Idiot and M.A. Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita]. Polilog Studia Neofilologiczne (9). 45-56.

Nefagina, G. (2018). "Танатологические хронотопы в романе Евгения Водолазкина „Авиатор””. [Thanatological chronotopes in Evgeny Vodolazkin's novel "The Aviator"]. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis Slavica Wratislaviensia 167, 603-613.


Selected book chapters:

Nefagina, G. (2021). “Феномен затекста”. [The Phenomenon of Aftertext]. In: Т. А. Снигирева, А. В. Подчиненов, (ed.). Chapter 2. Memoir and diary aftertext: options for self-presentation. .Дневник Юрия Нагибина как документ автопсихотерапии. [Yuri Nagibin's diary as a document of autopsychotherapy]. Ekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University. 187-242.

Nefagina, G. (2021). "Аберрация памяти в автобиографической прозе второй волны эмиграции”. [Aberration of memory in the autobiographical prose of the second wave of emigration]. In: Borowski, M., Komisaruk E. (eds.), Wielkie tematy kultury w literaturach słowiańskich. Pamięć. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Norbertinum. 61-73.

Nefagina, G. (2019). “Судьбы остовок в литературе второй волны эмиграции: Вероника Бабенко-Вудбери.” [The fate of Ostarbeiters in the literature of the second wave of emigration: Veronika Babenko-Woodbury]. In: Wożniak A. (ed.). Emigrаcja rosyjska, ukrаińska i białoruska. Spuścizna literacka, religijno-filozoficzna. Kulturowe zbliżenia. Lublin: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. KUL. 279–290.

Nefagina, G. (2018). “Эпическое и этическое в мемуарах Евгении Жиглевич.” [Epic and ethical in the memoirs of Evgenia Zhiglevich]. In: . NDiaye, I.A., Marczenko, T., Nikołajew D. (eds.). Twórczość rosyjskiej zagranicy - satyra i memuarystyka. Olsztyn: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. 161-172.

Nefagina, G. (2017). "Все дело в рифмах": симметрия в романе Михаила Шишкина «Письмовник»". ["It's all about rhymes": symmetry in Mikhail Shishkin's novel "The Letter Book"]. In: Skotnicka, A. & Svezhy, J. (eds.). Znaczące nazwiska współczesnej literatury rosyjskiej: Michał Szyszkin. Kraków: Wydawnictwo "Scriptum" Tomasz Sekunda. 203-215.


Membership in scientific associations:

Member of  the International Commission on Emigration (in the Polish Academy of Sciences until 2014, later - in the International Slavic Committee)



Founder and editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Polilog. Neophilological Studies (from 2011– present).

member of the Scientific Council of the publishing series “W kręgu problemów emigracji”. MADO Publishing House, Toruń, Poland.

member of the Editorial Committee of Slavica Wratislaviensia. Wrocław University Publishing House. Poland.

member of the Editorial Committee of Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology, Alfred Nobel University, Dniepr, Ukraine (SCOPUS).

member of the Editorial Committee of  the Philological Class scientific journal. Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia  (Web of Science).

member of the Editorial Committee of  the Bulletin of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan.