Śledztwa komisarza Montalbano, czyli o realiach sycylijskiego życia. Na podstawie wybranych kryminałów Andrei Camilleriego
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Commissioner Montalbano’s investigations and the depiction of Sicilian reality in selected detective novels by Andrea Camilleri
The aim of the article is to show that in his detective novels Andrea Camilleri, adhering to established literary conventions, depicts both Italian society and culture. Among many social and cultural aspects examined by Camilleri, three deserve a special attention: the novelist’s portrayal of a typical Italian, his characterization of the Mafia, and his statements on the problem of immigration. Thus, the paper is divided into three parts, each discussing one of the abovementioned aspects. The first section is devoted to the figure of Montalbano, a character which appears in all detective novels written by Camilleri, the second investigates the Sicilian Mafia, and the third focuses on illegal immigration. It is argued that the explored texts, covering a wide spectrum of social and cultural problems analyzed by Montalbano, transgress the generic boundaries of a detective novel.