The Chekhovian intertext in Lyudmila Petrushevskaya’s drama (Based on the comedy Three girls in blue)

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Tadeusz Osuch


The Chekhovian intertext in Lyudmila Petrushevskaya’s drama (Based on the comedy Three girls in blue)

In the literary process of the twentieth century the Chekhovian tradition is one of the most unwavering and significant. There are many contemporary dramatic works which create an intertextual relationships with Chekhov – playwright. An example is the comedy Three girls in blue of Petrushevskaya Lyudmila in which Chekhovian impact, of the Three Sisters, is very important. L. Petrushevskaya refers into playwright’s intertext at the level of: title art, monologue form, content, etc.

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Literary studies