Extratextuelle Relationen literarischer Texte. Anwendung des Interfaktorenansatzes für die Übersetzung der Dichtung

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Artur Dariusz Kubacki
Piotr Robert Sulikowski


This article aims to present a systematic approach to translation of literary texts, incorporating a special theory of extratextual factors called interfactors (I-factors), which infl uence the semantic-pragmatic interpretation of texts in a specifi c and unique way. The relations examined are intertextuality, intersemioticity and interculturality. Even though the terms have long been used in the humanities, they appear in this article as the main factors for understanding and translating literary texts. In the analytical part, the model is tested on a contemporary Polish poem and its translation into German.

Article Details

Linguistics, glottodidactics