Окказиональные наречия в русских и белорусских поэтических текстах: универсальное, национальное и идиостилевое

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Виктория Голубева


Occasional adverbs in Russian and Belarusian poetic texts: universal, national and idiostylistic

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of occasional adverbs of B. Pasternak’s, B. Ahmadulina’s, R. Borodulin’s and N. Matsiah’s lyrics. It is found out universal, national and individual peculiarities of occasional adverbs of these authors. The basic structural types, semantics and stylistics of poet’s adverbial lexemes are analysed. The author of the article shows functional importance of occasional adverbs in artistic systems of the poets.

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Linguistics, glottodidactics, cultural studies