Образы поляков в книге А.М. Ремизова Иверень
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Images of Poles in the book Iveren by A.M. Remizov
A. Remizov came in literature under Polish sign: he had literary printed debut with B. Savinkov and I. Kalyaev; he was interested in Polish modernism, he had translations from Polish (S. Pshibyshevsky, K. Tyska, etc.). The article examines Polish reality in A.M. Remizov’s interpretation – the component of Polish text. In a later book Iveren Remizov created a number of images of familiar Poles, he showed peculiarities of their mentality: hypertrophied tragedy, the propensity to Messianic ideas, the spirit of freedom and rebelliousness, the European smartness. Remizov also pays attention to the Polish speech. The range of its sound performance from «treek and tsap» of Remizof’s neighbors to «Polish silver finery» of Gogol.