Technical requirements
1. Quotations covering more than 3 lines are marked graphically in the text by means of double spacing – Times New Roman font, size 12 points, single interval between lines, without quotation marks.
2. Short citations form an integral part of the main text: Times New Roman font, size 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, enclosed in quotation marks (‘ ‘); when quotation marks appear in a quoted text, they should be marked with double quotation marks (“ “), e.g. ‘The term romance derived from the medieval Latin word meaning “in the roman language”’.
3. Omitting parts of the quoted text requires the use of the ellipsis in the “angle brackets”: <…> (“greater than”, “less than” characters).
4. Quotations in Slavic languages are quoted in the original language, others – in the language of the article.
In-text citations
1. In-text citations must be given in square brackets with author’s name, year of publication, page number: [Johnson 2002: 32].
2. If several works of the same author were published in the same year, use the indexation of letters a, b, c, etc. (without spaces between the year of publication and the letter): [Johnson 2002a: 314].
3. Titles of literary works, scientific papers, book chapters must be written in italics, e.g.: Moby Dick; From Memory to Written Record.
4. Titles of journals and newspapers – within quotation marks, e.g.: “Polylogue. Neophilological Studies”.
5. Titles of works not translated into the language of the article are quoted in the original notation.
6. Next to the translation of the work’s title used in the text, the original transcript must be provided in brackets, and the year of publication must be given, e.g.: Pies Baskerville’ów (The Hound of the Baskervilles, 2018).
7. The first time a given personal name is used in the main text, the full name consisting of the first and last name should be used, e.g.: Patricia Jaeger.
Footnotes must be given at the bottom of the page containing the content to which they relate. They must be automatic, numbered sequentially. Times New Roman, font size: 10, single space between lines.
Book by one author
Jaeger P., 2000, Dirt and Desire, Chicago.
Chapter in a multi-author book
Forster L., 2003, Nature’s Double Vitality Experiment; May Sinclair’s Interpretation of the New Woman, [in:] Feminist Forerunners: New Womanism and Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century, ed. A. Heilmann, London.
Journal articles
MacDonald S., 2007, The Erasure of Language, “College Composition and Communication”, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 585-625.
A literary work (a short story, a poem, etc.) published in a collection
Whitman W., 1991, I Sing the Body Electric, [in:] Selected Poems, Dover, pp. 12-19.
Citing web sources
McCash J., 1979, Marie de Champagne and Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Relationship Reexamined, “Speculum”, Vol.54, No. 4, pp. 698-711,, (accessed 8 February 2009).
Abbreviations used in the footnotes
Ibidem – (‘in the same place’); we use this to cite the same source twice in a row.
Idem, id. – (‘the same person’); a female must be eadum (ead.); multiple female authors are eaedem (eaed.) and multiple authors of whom at least one is male are eidem (eid.), multiple male authors are iidem (iid.).
Passim – to indicate that relevant passages are scattered throughout the overall book or works of a mentioned author.