Submission guidelines
1. Articles: 10-15 pages (up to 25 000 characters with spaces).
2. Book review: up to 5 pages (up to 10 000 characters).
3. Reports from scientific conferences and information on publications: up to 2 pages (about 4 000 characters with spaces).
Text format
1. Article’s title (in the language of the article and in English): Times New Roman. Font size: 12; capital letters; Bold; Centred.
2. Author’s name (in the language of the article and in English): Times New Roman. Font size: 12.
3. ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID).
4. Academic institution of the Author (affiliation), city, country: Times New Roman. Font size: 12.
5. E-mail address: Times New Roman. Font size: 12.
6. Abstract: each article must contain an abstract in English (up to 1 000 characters) with the title of the article, research objectives, methodology, description of the results of the analysis, and 5 keywords.
7. Key words: 5 key words in the language of the manuscript; Times New Roman. Font size: 12; Italics.
8. Main text: Times New Roman. Font size: 12; 1.5 line spacing; Margins 2.5 cm for A4 format; Justified (even distribution of text between the margins).
9. Bibliography: ordered alphabetically; in the case of several publications of the same author, they should be arranged chronologically. Cyrillic publications are subject to transliteration in accordance with the rules specified on the website, after selecting the “Cyrillic, transliteration PN-ISO 9: 2000” option; Times New Roman, font size: 12.
Information about the author (please, prepare it on a separate page)
Name and surname, title and academic degree, academic institution represented by the Author (affiliation), position, titles of five more significant publications in the Author’s scientific achievement, indicating the place and year of publication, length of the text (number of pages), e-mail address, and ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID).