Irina Saburova i jej miejsce w przestrzeni emigracyjnej

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Izabela Dziermańska


Irina Saburova and her place in the emigration space

The life of some writers-emigrants developed in such a way that it is difficult to clearly ascribe them to one of the waves of emigration. This question comes up quite often when considering the artists who belong to the first and second wave of migration. The emigrants found themselves outside the country during the first wave of emigration but fate made them settled in countries which, over time, came under the influence of the Soviet Union. During the war they migrated once again and they were often sent to DPs (displaced persons) camps. That frequently concerned those who, migrating during the first wave, found themselves in the Baltic countries which during the World War II came under the influence of the Soviet Union. In those cases it is not easy to determine which of the emigration waves was the most closely related with the particular writer. The article describes the life and output of a Russian writer, a journalist and a poetess Irina Saburova and discusses her belonging to the waves of emigration (related to her dwelling place during the Russian emigration).

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