Детерминация смысла Благой вести Венедикта Ерофеева с позиций теории рецепции
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Determination of the significance Blagaya vest’ by Ven. Erofeev from the positions of theory reception
The article describes certain features and poetics of postmodern text. Reading creates a modal contact notional positions. The unraveling of the semantic tangle brings the interpreter into an infinite search-path, in the process of creative work. The activities of the recipient is always conscious of the infinite movement the hermeneutic circle, the boundaries of which are governed by historical and cultural process. The meaning of the Blagaya vest’ by Venedikt Erofeev is composed of maximum diversity of configurations of form, content, language. An important link in a sequence of reader operations is not the solution to the set of values, but the expansion of receptive strategies. Identification of meaning in the text according to the law of aesthetic adjustments. Reception of the Blagaya vest’ is the rediscovery of the author’s philosophical position about the meaning of human existence.