Polish screenings of the russian novel (visual interpretations of novels of F.M. Dostoevsky Idiot and of M.a. Bulgakov Master and Margarita)

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Galina Nefagina


Polish screenings of the russian novel (visual interpretations of novels of F.M. Dostoevsky Idiot and of M.a. Bulgakov Master and Margarita)

The article analyzes the features of the film adaptation of the novel, the problems of transmitting the text and textual meanings of prose in the language of cinema. The subject of the study is the interpretation of the novel Idiot by Andrzej Julawski and Andrzej Wajda and the interpretation of the Master and Margarita by Wajda and Wojtyško. Such an analysis allows us to find out the visualization space of the novels of Russian writers and the dominant style of directors, the connection of the text and its film version, the manifestation of the Polish note in the film adaptation of the Russian source. Polish directors sought to reflect the universal, and this brought them much closer to the meaning of the Russian source . At the same time, through these universal meanings, the Polish national expression was found that was important and relevant for its time.

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Literary studies

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