Семантика запрета и её отражение в языках возможных миров

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Tatiana Wołyniec


Рrohibition semantics and its reflection in the languages of feasible world

The article dwells on methods and means of verbalization of the prohibition semantics of feasible worlds. Poetic texts, written by A. Blok, O. Mandelshtam, B. Pasternak, A. Voznesensky, V. Vysotsky and A. Galich, are used as an investigation object. Plan of prohibition semantics expression is characterized as a system of multi-level (lexical, lexical-syntactic and morphological-syntactic) means capable of representing the prohibition situation directly (explicitly), indirectly and implicitly. Peculiarities of individual and author’s representation of prohibition semantics are considered from the point of view of the character of communicative and psychological situations demanding that the author should use the linguistic prohibition formulae. Also the attention is paid to the author’s choices of linguistic means with the help of which semantic zones of prohibition are outlined, as well as to the character of relations on the “senderaddressee” axis and the use of emotional and expressive potential of the prohibition semantics in the artistic space of the poetic text.

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