Репрезентация концепта в поэтическом творчестве Марины Цветаевой

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Maja Polechina


The representation of concept in poetical works of Marina Tsvetayeva

The subject-matter of the research is a universal basic concept of Russia in the works of M. Tsvetayeva. This concept embodies historical, culturological and metaphysical meanings. The author of the article assumes a concept to be philosopho-aesthetical phenomenon of socio-psychological nature having axiological significance, multidimensional objectivation and textogenerative function. The concept of Russia in the poetical works of M. Tsvetayeva incorporates not only general, universal characteristics, but also specifically individual writer’s perception of Russia as a destiny of its nation, destiny of a person and destiny of a poet. For Tsvetayeva Russia is a meta-object of mental self-cognition, tense philosopho- -aesthetical reflection and poignant contemplation of her motherland’s tragic fate.

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Literary studies