Idee a język i tożsamość narodowa mieszkańców dawnych południowo- -wschodnich kresów Rzeczypospolitej. Uwagi. Na materiale druków typografii bazyliańskich (XVIII wiek)
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The ideas and language and national identity of the former inhabitants of the south-eastern provinces of the Republic. Notices. The material printed typography bazyliańskich (eighteenth century)
Article – based on materials eighteenth century editions bazyliańskich is to confront ideas – understood as the current theories concerning language and identity on the eastern fringe of the Old Republic osiemnastowiecznymi egzemplifikacjami and attempt to determine to what extent today’s considerations are reflected in the eighteenth century bazyliańskich prints. Basilian prints reflect the formation of the modern nation based on cultural community as opposed to the earlier political nation. Basilian prints, especially introductions to them shows that religious well-understood that crucial to this process have regional languages.