Wątki klasyki zachodnioeuropejskiej w interpretacji Mariny Cwietajewej

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Halina Mazurek


Themes of West-European classics in Marina Cvetaeva’s interpretation

Cvetaeva mainly wrote about the poet’s mission and about love. She expressed her opinions on this subject also through her own interpretations of widely known plots, both from the Russian and West-European classics. Her interests were always unique topics and figures from history and literature of the West. She compared her poetical mission to e.g. Joan d’Arc’s heroic acts whom she recognized as the most splendid figure in history. In the love she looked for the unification of souls through binding the earthly love with spiritual love. She saw it e.g. in the relationship of Tristan and Isold. She described tragical love of Zigfrid and Brunhild, Osvald and Coryne, Hamlet and Ophelia. She did not find Don Juan a trifler or a lecher, but a tragic person. Enchanted with the 18th century, she wrote about its prominent people (Napoleon, Mary Antonia, Cagliostro, de Lauzun). She loved reading the duke de Ligne’s and Casanova’s diaries, whom she adored and appreciated for spiritual values.

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Literary studies