Sprachliche Einfl üsse des Deutschen auf ukrainische Dialektvarietäten in Transkarpatien: grammatische und phonetische Aspekte der Lehnwörter

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Ivan Zymomrya
Olha Hvozdyak


Linguistic Infl uences of German on Ukrainian Dialect Varieties in Zakarpattia: Grammatical and Phonetic Aspects of Loanwords

The article addresses the peculiarities of German loanwords in Ukrainian vernacular of Uzhhorod district in Zakarpattia (Transcarpathia). The study provides a brief historical outline of German settlement development in Zakarpattia. The theoretical grounds for scrutinizing loanwords are also highlighted in this article. The main language corpus presents the results of the study of how borrowed lexemes were used by the representatives of four generations of Transcarpathians as the speakers of Uzhanian vernacular („ужанський діалект“), i.e. vernacular in the area between the rivers Latorica and Laborec. The younger generation residing in Zakarpattia tends to decrease the use of loanwords with the German etymone. German loanwords are gradually assimilated to the system of the Ukrainian language or Ukrainian vernacular in Zakarpattia at the level of certain phonetic and morphological changes.

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Linguistics, glottodidactics