Journal history

The journal has been published uninterruptedly since 2011. Its creator and founder is Prof. Galina Nefagina. From the beginning of the journal’s existence, we present the scientific achievements of both, Polish and foreign researchers.

Basic information: 

Serial title: Polilog. Studia Neofilologiczne.

Alternative title: Polylogue. Neophilological Studies.

Official website: https://polilog.pl

DOI: 10.34858
Print ISSN: 2083-5485
Electronic ISSN: 2720-278X

The journal is issued by the Department of Modern Languages and the Department of English Studies of the Pomeranian University in Slupsk, and published by the Pomeranian University Publishing House.

Editorial office: Katedra Neofilologii oraz Katedra Filologii Angielskiej, ul. Słowiańska 8, 76-200 Słupsk, Poland

e-mail: idalia.smoczyk@upsl.edu.pl

Publisher: Pomeranian University Publishing House

Registered office of the Pomeranian University Publishing House:

Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pomorskiego w Słupsku,
ul. Arciszewskiego 22a,
Dom Studenta nr 4, pok. 11,
76-200 Słupsk
E-mail: szczepan.kolada@upsl.edu.pl

Number of issues per year: one

Languages: English, German, Italian, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian


ACCESS TO THE CONTENT OF THE JOURNAL: In accordance with the OPEN ACCESS policy, the journal Polilog. Studia Neofilologiczne has been providing open, free access to all its content since 2011.

Thematic scope

1. Scientific articles in the field of literary studies, cultural studies, linguistics and glottodidactics.
2. Discussions and reviews of monographs.
3. Ad Archivum.
4. Information on scientific life.

Goals of the journal

1. Presentation of the scientific achievements of scholars from home and abroad.
2. Dissemination of research results and introducing the resulting concepts into the international flow of information.
3. Promoting international cooperation by publishing articles by researchers from various academic institutions, including Poland, the United States, Italy, Germany, Austria, Norway, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkey.
4. Presentation of unpublished archival materials in the field of literature and cultural studies.
5. Dissemination of current information on scientific life both in the country and abroad (information on scientific conferences and publications of monographs).
6. Publication of scientific discussions on current research problems in the field of literature, culture, linguistics and didactics.

Journal’s strategy

1. Presentation of scientific achievements of researchers from various disciplines in the humanities, and influencing new research directions by placing the journal in new databases.
2. Increasing the level of scientific articles by careful selection of the submitted texts.
3. Expanding cooperation between research centers from Poland and abroad.


1.  Points granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (5 January 2024): 70 points, item nr: 29807; the ICI Word of Journals Index Copernicus:  ICV 2020 = 100.00, ICV 2021 = 100.00, ICV 2022 = 100.00.

2. The journal is indexed in the following databases: 

- ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) 

- ICI Journals Master List/ ICI World of Journals



- MLA International BIbliography

- the Kanal Register

- WorldCat

- Arianta

- BazHum


- POL-on

- Biblioteka Nauki


No. 13 (2023): Polylogue. Neophilological Studies

Published: 2023-11-06

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